Internet connectivity is a major issue in Bidi Bidi, and thus a primary obstacle for teaching digital literacy and developing a youth workforce equipped with digital skill sets requisite for the 21st century. SINAL offers internet connection capabilities to hundreds throughout Bidi Bidi, and has started a digital learning project steeped in music education and international cultural collaborations.
In these exceptional times, SINAL has extended its ICT HUB services online to continue offering persons of concern with opportunities to remotely enhance their skills. In partnership with the UNHCR Connectivity funds and Avanti, we are proving internet connectivity and work stations to students, teachers and school dropouts in Bidi Bidi who have access to smartphones, tablets and personal computers to have access to Coursera for refugee and online courses, which currently is heavily utilized by refugees and local community. SINAL is offering additional work stations assist users. Due to Covid-19 the Internet has become an indispensable tool for information transference and sharing, learning and communicating.