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We are thrilled to share the success of our Women’s Public Speaking Workshop held at SINAL in the Bidi Bidi Refugee settlement. These workshops were designed to empower women and enhance their public speaking skills, giving them a powerful tool to express themselves. Despite challenging...
One of the SINAL’s new startups in Bidi Bidi Published on January 27, 2023 The Bridge International is a Korean organization supporting social entrepreneurs. SINA Social enterprise Generous Design Africa (GDA) from SINA Loketa won the Global Bridging Fund and received financial support to scale their...
SINA LOKETA has launched its 14th cohorts of Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Programme in Bidi Bidi with the goal of identifying, motivating, and empowering 30 new disadvantaged young people over the course of 12 weeks. The selected beneficiaries will be equipped with the tools they need...
Provides a community where children and young adults from any cultural background meet to share their cultural heritage, learn about music of the world and celebrate their traditions together. The program aims to achieve important musical results that empower and boost the pride of participants...
We are very excited to finally hold the inception meeting of the Bidi Bidi Music and Art Centre, which aims to foster community voices, development, and social well-being for Uganda’s refugee and host communities. The facility will include a performance space, a recording studio, a...
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